With the µSmart application, you can easily measure the condition of the road while youre driving. Application can be connected to RoadClouds wireless road surface and air condition sensors and it contains a built-in dynamic friction measuring feature.Focus on driving and making observations while the application continuously measures optical friction and transfers it to the cloud with bothtime and location data. The application will alert you when the dew point exceeds the measured road surface temperature and the risk of frost formation arises. If you want to perform a more precise friction measurement, you can instantly measure it by accelerating and accepting the measurement result with a single button press. For an official result, you can perform a standard braking friction measurement. After completing your trip, the measurement report for the route will be ready and waiting in RoadClouds web application.You can decide what you want to do with the measurement results. You can use RoadClouds user interface, where you can select measurements for any time period and area. If your company has other devices, you will see thedata produced by others according to the user roles that you can freely define.If you want to directly integrate the data into your own or service providers information system, you can use the data forwarding function. This function sends the data to a URL address that can be specified in the settings. In thiscase, RoadCloud does not receive any data and the application functions as an independent measuring device.